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Red Ginseng & Himalayan Gold Tea

Red Ginseng & Himalayan Gold Tea

Unlock Ancient Secrets of Sexual Wellness with Our Adaptogenic Tea Blend!

  • 100% tested & certified
  • 100% natural: unprocessed, unfiltered and without additives
Regular price €35,95 EUR
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Feeling too fatigued or sluggish to have a sensual night with your partner?

Want to energize your inner sex goddess again in the bedroom?

Discover the combined benefits of cordyceps (himalayan gold), red ginseng, and maca, revered for centuries for their health-enhancing properties. 

  • Improved stress levels

  • Better energy levels

  • A natural boost to your libido

  • Improved hormonal balance

  • Vitality back to your life!

Try my unique herbal tea mix for 5 days in a row and enter the bedroom with higher vibrations of your sexual feminine energy.

You and your partner will do anything but sleep. 

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The herbal effects

Red Panax Ginseng 10:1 –1750 mg 

The active compounds are named ginsenosides. These improve sexual function by increase of blood flow to the genitals therefore clitoral sensitivity will increase. Furthermore, they stimulate the release of nitric oxide. Red Ginseng has an additional benefit that it eliminates oxidative stress and can fight off fatigue. It really depends on the condition and the dosage, but it can have a similar effect like caffein, however Red Ginseng is caffein-free. 

Himalayan Gold (Cordyceps Dual Extract) - 1500 mg 

Himalayan Gold is a mushroom extract with unique bioactive substance. It is an adaptogen which means it has the ability to help your body adapt to stress but at the same time awakens your sexual energy. Cordyceps is known to increase female libido, sexual desire and overall sexual health.  

Maca Root Extract 10:1 – 1500 mg 

Maca Root is another herb that ignites sexual desire in woman. It has been grown and cultivated for approximately 2000 years in the Andes. The women of that region have been using this herb, to support their libido, menstruation, and overall hormonal health. In the world of aphrodisiacs, it is one of the main products for women as well as men.

Licorice Root- 1000 mg 

Licorice root contains phytoestrogen sterols, which affect sex hormones. Many recipes in the Kamasutra (oldest 'bible' from India on sexuality) that were used to ignite sexual desire contained licorice root. However, in this herbal mix, the sweetness of the root will make the consumption of this herbal mix more pleasant.

How do you use it?

The first 4 days do not use it in the evening as it might energize you too much. It is best to take the drink the first 4 days in the daytime and a half hour just before your intimate moments on the 5thday.

Every individual is different with different levels of physical tolerance and state of mind. This will strongly determine the effect when using. 


Be aware that my products are mood enhancers. They can never set the mood alone.

Therefore prepare your evening. Burn your favorite candles, take a long shower and wear your favorite lingerie and let your mind linger and let your inner sexual Goddess take over.


  • The herbal mix has a high dosage of active substances so please don't take more than the prescribed dosage and take less if you feel too restless the first few days. In addition, if noticeable effects don't occur on the 5th day, try to increase the amounts of days of using the products. 
  • Do not use in case of allergic reactions to1 or more of the ingredients. 
  • Do not use in case of pregnancy or breastfeeding. 
  • This product is not suitable for children. 
  • This information is no substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information is provided for informational purposes only.